Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2022-2023
Sheringham High School fully recognises its responsibilities for child protection.
Our policy applies to all staff, governors and volunteers working in the School. There are five main elements to our policy:
- Ensuring we practice safe recruitment in checking the suitability of staff and volunteers to work with students.
- Raising awareness of child protection issues and equipping student with the skills needed to keep them safe.
- Developing and then implementing procedures for identifying and reporting cases, or suspected cases, of abuse.
- Supporting students who have been abused in accordance with his/her agreed child protection plan.
- Establishing a safe environment in which student can learn and develop.
We recognise that because of the day-to-day contact with students, school staff are well placed to observe the outward signs of abuse. The school will therefore:
- establish and maintain an environment where students feel secure, are encouraged to talk, and are listened to;
- ensure students know that there are adults in the school whom they can approach if they are worried;
- include opportunities in the curriculum for students to develop the skills they need to recognise and stay safe from abuse.
The DSL is Ben Phillips, Deputy Headteacher. Tash Drury is Alternate DSL and Safeguarding Manager. Our Safeguarding Governor is John Hannyngton
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